2D Art (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator)

2D Animations (Spine 2D, Adobe Animate)


Made in Spine 2D using meshes and weights animation, bone constraints

Spray Tags

Drawn in Photoshop and animated in Spine using traditional bone animations, curves and blending modes

2D Side Projects (Hobbies, Graphic Design)

I do manga cleaning and typing - to help others translate from Japanese to Ukrainian.

This requires cleaning/drawing skills, sense of proportions, time commitment ⛩️

I even took a sketching course ✏️

It really helped me understand the lighting, shading and materials

Figma Design

CV Reviewer is my Bachelor's Degree project that re-imagines the concept of CV (Curriculum Vitae) anonymous sharing. Built similar to blog pages, CV Reviewer accepts CVs from users, anonymizes them and displays anonymous news posts to other users (using NLP to highlight information in anonymized text).

Feel free to test the high-fidelity UI/UX prototype: https://www.figma.com/file/SW9sFC2gmOYxGuyiICS1lo/CV-Reviewer-System

Fully functioning system was also developed using python3, Flask and spaCy for NLP.

Hotwheel is a high-fidelity prototype of a 3-days car show & auction that will take place in the Canadian Rockies area.

This prototype showcases a landing page, a ticket checkout and an auction section, where anyone could check a specific vehicle they like to buy later.

Learn more about the project and test it out 🙂 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSV944HUzRl1bwRqknJy5-SAVgRAk1a6yQ0l9uk64S8/edit?usp=sharing


HiringBoosters logo was one of my minimalist approaches. This is a fast developing startup which focuses on boosting your CV score to be hired.


Despite something was already created, I really like to do redesigns and try that "another route" approach
